Registering a .lu
Registering .lu domain names is a task assigned to a network of over fifty registrars.
More than fifty registrars around the world are accredited by the Restena Foundation to commercially offer .lu domain names. Each of them sets its own conditions - in return for a fixed annual rate on a "first come, first served" basis - and offers some number of services associated with .lu domain name management.
Both individuals and companies can register a .lu domain name. Acceptance of a registration request does not constitute recognition of an acquired right for the registrant to use the domain name.
Find your registrar
The compatibility information in this directory is provided on an informational basis, drawing on data submitted by the registration offices. As a .lu registry, the Restena Foundation cannot be held liable for the accuracy of the information submitted by the registrar.
Related FAQs
Is there a WHOIS or DNS server for the test service?
No WHOIS or DNS server currently operates on the information from the test database. |
WHOIS is a service to look up domain name registration data for a given zone. It includes essential information for contacting the owner of a name in case of technical or other problems.
How should I set my time zone?
Make sure the hour specified for your tasks is given in 00:00:00 format. If it isn't, the time zone fields might not be interpreted correctly in the interface for registrars.
What transport protocols does the EPP server use?
The EPP server handles two variants of EPP-over-TCP:
- the transport protocol RFC3734 ‘Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport Over TCP’
- a TCP flow encoded in UTF-9, specially developed by and for the .lu registry
You can therefore program your EPP client in either of these two languages.