The .lu registry makes (future) domain name holders aware of the disputes that can arise over a domain name with an overview of the rules and characteristics specific to the national extension .lu.

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After the publication - together with the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR) - of a brochure dedicated to domain name security, the Restena Foundation published in July 2022 a tip sheet on domain name disputes. Including basic information on the subject, the tip sheet makes (future) holders of .lu domain names aware of:

  1. the extent of their responsibilities in the registration and proper use of their domain names,
  2. the types of disputes they may face in the event of misuse of their domain names,
  3. the dispute management measures that can be taken against them.

In addition to the general recommendations, the tip sheet succinctly specifies the rules and characteristics specific to the .lu national extension, based in particular on:

The tip sheet is mainly intended for (future) holders of .lu domain names - legally responsible for their use - regardless of the registrar chosen for its registration and day-to-day management. It is a reprint and update of part of the content of its French brochure ''Aspects techniques et juridiques des noms de domaine" produced in 2012.